"Provide job security for our leaders"

Did you know?
- A retired person on Social Security can get additional monthly benefits for her child until age 18. In addition, her spouse can get monthly benefits to take care of that child.
- Social Security benefits are not earned or contractual rights. Congress reserves the right to increase or decrease the benefits.
- An average worker contributed $333 to support social security benefits of $1000 in 2010 compared to $63 in 1950 to provide the same benefits.
- Social Security can be saved for next 75 years by making all earning subject to payroll (FICA) tax.
- Average single beneficiary gets $3 in lifetime Medicare benefits for every dollar in Medicare payroll taxes.
- Over one million tax filers with income of more than $100,000 received unemployment benefits in 2010 that includes three thousands of them with more than a million in adjusted gross income